9 November 2016
8 November 2016
MNV Collections
List of books available in MNV Collections.
Barcode | Title and Author | Shelving location |
MNV1 | Antonio Gramsci: Towards an Intellectual Biography, by Davidson , Alistair | MNV Collections |
MNV2 | Confronting Empire: Interviews with David Barsamian, by Ahmad,Eqbal | MNV Collections |
MNV3 | Religion And Society Among The Coorgs Of South India, by Srinivas,M. N. | MNV Collections |
MNV4 | The Civil War In France, by Marx, Karl | MNV Collections |
MNV5 | Who Benefits from India's Public Services?: A People's Audit of Five Basic Services, by Paul, Samuel | MNV Collections |
MNV6 | Gorbachev Economic Reform and Eastern Europe , by Narayanswamy, Ramnath | MNV Collections |
MNV7 | Health Management : A New Perspective, by Jayamani, C V | MNV Collections |
MNV8 | Mao Papers, by Chen,Jerome | MNV Collections |
MNV9 | Guerrilla Warfare, by Guevara, Che | MNV Collections |
MNV10 | Socialist Economics: Selected Readings , by Nove,Alex | MNV Collections |
MNV11 | Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy , by Marx,Karl | MNV Collections |
MNV12 | The Painful Transition: Bourgeois Democracy in India , by Vanaik,Achin | MNV Collections |
MNV13 | Export competitiveness of selected agricultural commodities | MNV Collections |
MNV14 | Managing relations between government and public enterprises : a handbook for administrators and managers, by Fernandes, Praxy | MNV Collections |
MNV15 | Health implications of public policy: case studies, modules, methodology, by Ghosh,Basu Ed | MNV Collections |
MNV16 | Pothan Joseph's India: A Biography, by George,T. J. S. | MNV Collections |
MNV17 | Kerala's Gulf connection : CDS studies on international labour migration from Kerala State in India, by Zachariah,K.C. | MNV Collections |
MNV18 | Education for Attention Ed.3, by Tavaria, S. N. | MNV Collections |
MNV19 | The Global possible : resources, development, and the new century., by World Resources Institute | MNV Collections |
MNV20 | Origins of the Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) :from national revolutionary politics to non-conformist Marxism, by Bhattacharya,Buddhadeva | MNV Collections |
MNV21 | The Militarisation of politics & society: Southeast Asian experiences. , by Chunakara,Mathews George | MNV Collections |
MNV22 | A Survey of Kerala History , by Sreedhara Menon , A | MNV Collections |
MNV23 | Capitalist Economy:, by Vygodsky,S | MNV Collections |
MNV24 | Intelligent person`s guide to liberalization, by Bhaduri, Amit; | MNV Collections |
MNV25 | Alan Turing: The Enigma of Intelligence, by Hodges,Andrew | MNV Collections |
MNV26 | The ABC of Contract Bridge : Being a Complete Outline of the Acol Bidding System and the Card Play of Contract Bridge, Especially Prepared for Beginners, by Cohen,Ben | MNV Collections |
MNV27 | Rethinking democracy , by Kothari,Rajni | MNV Collections |
MNV28 | Contemporary Social Issues: Essays in Honour of Prof. P.K.B. Nayar / edited by Jacob John Kattakayam., by Kattakayam,Jacob John | MNV Collections |
MNV29 | Parliamentary Democracy and Political Change in India , by Biju,M R | MNV Collections |
MNV30 | Citizens' Rights, Judges and State Accountability, by Noorani , A. G. | MNV Collections |
MNV31 | The Best of Henry Miller, by Durrell,Lawrence | MNV Collections |
MNV32 | Kerala's economic development : issues and problems, by Prakash, B.A. (Editor) | MNV Collections |
MNV33 | The Indian economy: recent development and future prospects, by Lucas, Robert E. B | MNV Collections |
MNV34 | The Paradox of Static Change: Lectures on Underdevelopment., by Vyasulu, Vinod | MNV Collections |
MNV35 | Mao Tse-Tung : Selected Writings , by Mao Tse-Tung | MNV Collections |
MNV36 | Regulation and Development: The Indian Policy Experience of Controls over Industry , by Marathe,Sharad S. | MNV Collections |
MNV37 | Marxist Economic Theory , by Mandel,Ernest | MNV Collections |
MNV38 | India's Political Economy 1947 -1977, by Frankel, Francine | MNV Collections |
MNV39 | Values For Corporate Leadership : An Indian Response To Global Challenge 1995, by Rana, J M | MNV Collections |
MNV40 | The Trima Lectures 1989 | MNV Collections |
MNV41 | Plight of the power sector in India : inefficiency, reform and political economy, by Kannan ,K.P. | MNV Collections |
MNV42 | India's demography: essays on the contemporary population, by Dyson, Tim ed | MNV Collections |
MNV43 | Sree Narayana Guru: Saint, Philosopher, Humanist, by Sreenivasan, K; | MNV Collections |
MNV44 | Urban Transport sector policy paper 1975 | MNV Collections |
MNV45 | An approach paper on Development of Small Enterprises in Kerala , by Institute of Small Enterprises and Development | MNV Collections |
MNV46 | Public Policy on Small Industry in the Post-WTO Era: International Experience and Lessons for India | MNV Collections |
MNV47 | Is the Indian police trigger happy :Papers and Discussions at seminar Organised by Nehru college,Bombay on June 26, 1995 | MNV Collections |
MNV48 | Organizational Report : adopted by the 17 th Congress of the Communist Party of India held at Singaravelu Nagar, Chennai from September 14-19, 1998 , by Communist Party of India | MNV Collections |
MNV49 | India and the International Monetary Reform | MNV Collections |
MNV50 | Crisis in India Studies in Political Economy Series 1, by Reddy,Narasimha | MNV Collections |
MNV51 | India at 50: Facts, figures and analyses 1947-1997 | MNV Collections |
MNV52 | Management of drought relief operations 1975 , by Chowdhary, R K, ed. | MNV Collections |
MNV53 | Seminar on problems of plan implementation / C. T. Kurien . . . [et al. ], by Kurien,C. T. | MNV Collections |
MNV54 | M.N. Roy: A Political Biography , by Roy,Samaren | MNV Collections |
MNV55 | Global Social Governance: Themes and Prospects, by Deacon, Bob | MNV Collections |
MNV56 | The quality of growth , by Thomas,Vinod | MNV Collections |
MNV57 | Ricardo, Marx, Sraffa : the Langston memorial volume , by Mandel, Ernest | MNV Collections |
MNV58 | Housing sector policy paper 1975, by World Bank | MNV Collections |
MNV59 | Report of the Committee on Industrial Licensing - 1979, by Nanda H P | MNV Collections |
MNV60 | Business Communication: Theory and Application, by Lesikar, Raymond V. | MNV Collections |
MNV61 | Patents Act, 1970 along with Rules, 2003 | MNV Collections |
MNV62 | Threatened Peoples, Threatened Borders-World Migration and U.S. Policy , by Teitelbaum, Michael [Editor] | MNV Collections |
MNV63 | Privatization in South Asia: Minimizing Negative Social Effects through Restructuring, , by Joshi, Gopal | MNV Collections |
MNV64 | On Economic Inequality, by Sen, Amartya | MNV Collections |
MNV65 | Amritsar : Mrs Gandhi `s Last Battle , by Tully, Mark | MNV Collections |
MNV66 | Class power and state power, by Miliband, Ralph. | MNV Collections |
MNV67 | Theories of "regulated capitalism" : (a collection of articles) , by Blyumin,I G | MNV Collections |
MNV68 | Urban Process in Kerala, 1900-1981., by Sreekumar, T T | MNV Collections |
MNV69 | Soviet economic devolopment and structure , by Mehta, Vinod | MNV Collections |
MNV70 | Soviet Economy: New Economic Strategy, by Mehta, Vinod. | MNV Collections |
MNV71 | Issues in Indian Labour Policy: , by Johri , C. K. | MNV Collections |
MNV72 | The End of Ideology Debate edited, with an introduction by Chaim I. Waxman., by Waxman,Chaim I. | MNV Collections |
MNV73 | Character of the Indian state : a non-Marxist view., by Sethi,J D | MNV Collections |
MNV74 | Reach for the sky, by Abraham A | MNV Collections |
MNV75 | New Economic Policy , by RAJ, K N | MNV Collections |
MNV76 | Equality and inequality, theory and practice , by Beteille, Andre,ed. | MNV Collections |
MNV77 | The urgency of change, by Krishnamurthi, J | MNV Collections |
MNV78 | Beyond Autonomy: Roots Of Indias Foreign Policy, by Damodaran, A K | MNV Collections |
MNV79 | Industrial Change in India, 1970-2000: Present State of Indian Manufactures and Outlook of the Same , by Rosen,George | MNV Collections |
MNV80 | Better you:Magic of personal power, by Abraham,A | MNV Collections |
MNV81 | Limits to Kerala model of development: an analysis of fiscal crisis and its implications , by George, K. K. | MNV Collections |
MNV82 | The Concept Of Economic Equality, by Bauer, P T. | MNV Collections |
MNV83 | Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution, by Lenin , V. I. | MNV Collections |
MNV84 | Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder, by Lenin, V.I. | MNV Collections |
MNV85 | Trade Unions : selected readings, by McCarthy,WEJ | MNV Collections |
MNV86 | A practical and cost-effective approach to EIA: Report of an international seminar on EIA for development, April 1984, by Horstmann,Klaus | MNV Collections |
MNV87 | Science and Technology for Development : A Compendium of Essasys on the Seventh Kerala Science Congress, by Iyengar,P. K. editor | MNV Collections |
MNV88 | Literature of Revolution: Essays on Marxism, by Geras, Norman | MNV Collections |
MNV89 | Enrolment in higher education: a trend analysis , by Sharma, G. D | MNV Collections |
MNV90 | Fifty Years of Soviet Power: A Study of Social, Economic, and Political Developments., by Gidadhubli, R. G. | MNV Collections |
MNV91 | Delhi School of Economics Founder Day Address November 14 , 1998, by Raj K N | MNV Collections |
MNV92 | Innovations in banking : The Indian experience impact on deposits and credit, by Rangarajan , C | MNV Collections |
MNV93 | Industrial Growth in India: Stagnation since the Mid-Sixties, by Ahluwalia , Isher Judge | MNV Collections |
MNV94 | Sociological theories of Pitirim A. Sorokin , by Zimmerman, Carle Clark, | MNV Collections |
MNV95 | Socialist Nationalisation of Industry , by Vinogradov, V. | MNV Collections |
MNV96 | Mahatma Gandhi: A Biography, by Nanda , B. R. | MNV Collections |
MNV97 | Science and Education Essays, by Huxley,Thomas Henry | MNV Collections |
MNV98 | The Unfinished Revolution: Russia, 1917-1967., by Deutscher,Isaac | MNV Collections |
MNV99 | Nationalism and colonialism in Modern India , by Chandra, Bipan. | MNV Collections |
MNV100 | Rural development : learning from China, by Aziz, Sartaj. | MNV Collections |
MNV101 | Buddha vs. Krishna. Is Bhagwadgita Spurious? Discovery of Original Gita;, by Kolpe S B | MNV Collections |
MNV102 | Policy analysis for the real world , by Hogwood, Brian W | MNV Collections |
MNV103 | Vegetarian Or Non-Vegetarian, Choose Yourself, by Aggarwal,Gopinath | MNV Collections |
MNV104 | Contradictions in Indian Society: Essays in Honor of Professor A.R. Desai, by Savur, Manorama ed | MNV Collections |
MNV105 | Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International, by Derrida,Jacques | MNV Collections |
MNV106 | Management in Government: Selected readings, by Mathur, B. C. | MNV Collections |
MNV107 | The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism , by Lenin,V.I. | MNV Collections |
MNV108 | I was a swayamsewak: An inside view of the RSS., by Dhooria,Ram Lall | MNV Collections |
MNV109 | Political economy of brain drain : reverse transfer of technology , by Kabra,Kamal Nayan | MNV Collections |
MNV110 | In the world of corporate managers, by Rangnekar,Sharu | MNV Collections |
MNV111 | How to Slay the Financial Dragon: Winning the Battle for Time and Money, by Stanmeyer,William | MNV Collections |
MNV112 | The Indian economy: recent development and future prospects, by Lucas, Robert E. B | MNV Collections |
MNV113 | Abuse of Power: Social Performance of Multinational Corporations: The Case of Union Carbide, by Dembo,David | MNV Collections |
MNV114 | Commonsense Bidding: The Most Complete Guide to Modern Methods of Standard Bidding , by Root,William S. | MNV Collections |
MNV115 | Management perspectives : Essays on managerial priorities and management education, by Balasubramanian N | MNV Collections |
MNV116 | Policing India in the New Millennium Hardcover , by Alexander, P J | MNV Collections |
MNV117 | Ormakalile T.K.divakaran, , by TK Divakaran Trust. | MNV Collections |
MNV118 | G Venugopal Smaranika (Malayalam ) | MNV Collections |
MNV119 | To live with all your heart : How to eat more and live longer and better , by Diehl, Hans | MNV Collections |
MNV120 | The Evolution of Soviet Society, by Damodara Kurup , C.P. | MNV Collections |
MNV121 | Globalization and Its Impact on Human Rights , by Chunakara, George Mathews | MNV Collections |
MNV122 | Pakistan: Old country, new nation., by Stephens, Ian | MNV Collections |
MNV123 | Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 10th Edition, by Mish, Frederick C. | MNV Collections |
MNV124 | Workers' Control and Labour Welfare in the Soviet Union., by Sane,G. D. | MNV Collections |
MNV125 | Making A Success Of Coalitions , by Krishnamurthi,Lakshmi | MNV Collections |
MNV126 | War and Peace in Contemporary Social and Philosophical Theory , by Horowitz, Irving Louis. | MNV Collections |
MNV127 | The Rise and Fall of Economic Liberalism: The Making of the Economic Gulag, by Clairmont, Frederic E. | MNV Collections |
MNV128 | The systems approach / by C. West Churchman , by Churchman, Charles West | MNV Collections |
MNV129 | Beyond the Melting Pot, : The Negroes, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians, and Irish of New York City Second Edition, by Glazer, Nathan | MNV Collections |
MNV130 | Reason & Violence A Decade of Sartre's Philosophy, 1950-1960, by Laing, D. G. | MNV Collections |
MNV131 | Evaluating "Literacy for development" projects, programs and campaigns: evaluation planning, design and implementation, and utilization of evaluation results, by Bhola, H.S. | MNV Collections |
MNV132 | Holding the state to account : citizen monitoring in action, by Paul,Samuel | MNV Collections |
MNV133 | Socio-economic change in Kerala, by Verghese, K E. | MNV Collections |
MNV134 | Economic reforms and poverty reduction, by Mathew,A. Santhosh | MNV Collections |
MNV135 | Industrial Concentration And Economic Behaviour: Case Study Of Indian Tyre Industry, by Mani, Sunil | MNV Collections |
MNV136 | Bunch of Thoughts, by Golwalkar,M.S. | MNV Collections |
MNV137 | A Question of Balance: Labour, Management, and Society , by Ramaswamy , E. A. | MNV Collections |
MNV138 | Organization Development: Interventions and Strategies, by Ramnarayan,S. | MNV Collections |
MNV139 | Modernisation and Employment: The Coir Industry in Kerala , by Isaac, T M Thomas | MNV Collections |
MNV140 | Sharad Pawar- the making of a modern maratha, by Ravindranath ,P. K. | MNV Collections |
MNV141 | Sociology in South India / edited by P.K.B. Nayar. , by Nayar,P.K.B. | MNV Collections |
MNV142 | The new science of management decision, by Simon,Herbert Alexander | MNV Collections |
MNV143 | First things first : meeting basic human needs in the developing countries, by Streeten, Paul. | MNV Collections |
MNV144 | Asante padykrtikal : Complete collection of poems, by Kumaran Asan ,N | MNV Collections |
MNV145 | Economics and national strategy in the information age : global networks, technology policy and cooperative competition, by Golden, James | MNV Collections |
MNV146 | Empire Builders: Inside the Harvard Business School, by Mark, J. Paul | MNV Collections |
MNV147 | The panic of 89, by Erdman, Paul | MNV Collections |
MNV148 | Selections from V. I. Lenin and J. V. Stalin on National Colonial question, by Lenin, V. I. | MNV Collections |
MNV149 | The Theory and Working of State Corporations , by Prakash, Om | MNV Collections |
MNV150 | The Socialist Register, 1977: A Survey of Movements & Ideas, by Miliband, Ralph | MNV Collections |
MNV151 | Economic Consequences of Gulf Migration, by Isaac,T.M. Thomas | MNV Collections |
MNV152 | Managing People in Business : performance through perception, by Parukh, S K | MNV Collections |
MNV153 | Reading Capital, by Althusser, Louis, | MNV Collections |
MNV154 | Who wants democracy?, by Alam, Javeed | MNV Collections |
MNV155 | Local democracy and development: People's campaign for decentralized planning in Kerala., by IsaacT.M.Thomas | MNV Collections |
MNV156 | The End of Poverty: How We Can Make It Happen In Our Lifetime, by Sachs, Jeffrey D | MNV Collections |
MNV157 | Street fighting years : an autobiography of the sixties, by Ali, Tariq | MNV Collections |
MNV158 | Teachers, Writers, Celebrities: The Intellectuals of Modern France, by Debray, Régis | MNV Collections |
MNV159 | Kerala matrkaykkappuram , by Rajagopalan,V | MNV Collections |
MNV160 | Privatization and Labour, , by Venkata Ratnam,C.S. | MNV Collections |
MNV161 | Innovation and Micro and Small Enterprise Development in Africa and Asia, by Van Dijk, Meine Pieter | MNV Collections |
MNV162 | The twilight of capitalism , by Harrington, Michael. | MNV Collections |
MNV163 | The Open Society and Its Enemies : The Spell of Plato Volume 1:, by Popper, Karl | MNV Collections |
MNV164 | Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore , by George, T. J. S. | MNV Collections |
MNV165 | The Dragon vs. The Elephant: Comparative Analysis of Innovation Capability in the Telecommunications Equipment Industry in China and India,, by Mani,Sunil | MNV Collections |
MNV166 | The Political Economy of Development in India Expanded edition with an epilogue on the political economy of reform in India , by Bardhan, Pranab | MNV Collections |
MNV167 | Documents of the 16th Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist): Calcutta, October 5-11, 1998, by Communist Party of India (Marxist) | MNV Collections |
MNV168 | The Challenge of Democratic Empowerment , by Kakarala Sitharamam | MNV Collections |
MNV169 | Privatization in South Asia: Minimizing negative social effects through restructuring, by Joshi , Gopal (Ed.) | MNV Collections |
MNV170 | Organizational design for excellence., by Khandwalla Pradip N | MNV Collections |
MNV171 | Economics and national strategy in the information age : global networks, technology policy and cooperative competition, by Golden, James | MNV Collections |
MNV172 | India's Economic Reforms, 1991-2001 , by Joshi, Vijay; | MNV Collections |
MNV173 | Indian Philosophers and Postmodern Thinkers Dialogues on the Margins of Culture, by Olson,Carl | MNV Collections |
MNV174 | Administration and the Citizen, by Sanghvi,Nita | MNV Collections |
MNV175 | The Rise of V.P. Singh and the 1989 and 1990 Elections, by Suri, Surindar | MNV Collections |
MNV176 | Documents of the Revolutionary Socialist Party 1938-1947 A.D., Volume I, by Saha, Murari Mohan | MNV Collections |
MNV177 | World to Win:Essays on the Communist Manifesto, by Karat, Prakash | MNV Collections |
MNV178 | Future of India:politics, economics and governance, by Jalan, Bimal | MNV Collections |
MNV179 | Nehru: The Making of India, by Akbar, M. J. | MNV Collections |
MNV180 | The Open Society and Its Enemies Volume 1 - Plato , by Popper,K.R. | MNV Collections |
MNV181 | Managing People in Business : performance through perception, by Parukh, S K | MNV Collections |
MNV182 | A passion for excellence : The leadership difference , by Peters, Tom. | MNV Collections |
MNV183 | Street fighting years : an autobiography of the sixties, by Ali, Tariq | MNV Collections |
MNV184 | Mao Tse-Tung : Selected Writings 1967, by Mao Tse-Tung | MNV Collections |
MNV185 | Shorter Constitution of India , by Basu,Durga Das | MNV Collections |
MNV186 | Preparing Objective examinations, by Harper ,Edwin A | MNV Collections |
MNV187 | Institution Building in Education and Research: From Stagnation to Self Renewal, by Mathai, Ravi, | MNV Collections |
MNV188 | Political Resolution : adopted by the 17 th Congress of the Communist Party of India held at Singaravelu Nagar, Chennai from September 14-19, 1998 , by Communist Party of India | MNV Collections |
MNV189 | Is the Indian police trigger happy :Papers and Discussions at seminar Organised by Nehru college,Bombay on June 26, 1995 | MNV Collections |
MNV190 | Issues and Themes; Essays in American History and Civilization | MNV Collections |
MNV191 | Social Watch India: Citizens Report on Governance and Development, 2004, by Samuel, John | MNV Collections |
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