I.General Rules
1. Strict decorum and discipline must be maintained in the Library. Members must carry their ID card while using the Library. They must show their ID card on demand.
2. Use of Cell phone is not allowed inside the library and members are requested to keep them in silent mode inside the library.
3. Smoking, eating, and talking are strictly prohibited in the Library. As the library is a place of individual study and research,members should conduct themselves to maintain an atmosphere conducive to this .
4. Personal belongings are not permitted inside the library and they may be kept at the library property counter.
5. Books should be handled with care. Marking,underlining or writing either by pen or pencil is most objectionable and should be strictly avoided by member. Tearing of pages or damaging of books will be seriously viewed and member will have to pay the cost of the book, if the document is seen damaged while returning the same.
7. Members have the privilege of direct access to the shelves in the library and freedom to browse among the books as the Library is following Open access system. But members are advised not to disturb the classified arrangement of books as far as possible. They are requested not to replace the books taken from the shelves. Such books may be left on the nearest table.
8. Damage or loss of books on loan should be reported to the librarian. Members are liable to replace such books with latest edition or pay double the cost of books.
9. No library material should be taken out of the library without the permission of the librarian.
10. Photocopying service is available for members of the library at nominal charges subject to Copyright Act.
II.Membership and Loan privilege
1. Admission to ASB library is available for ASB Faculty,PGDM Students,Staff and Alumni Members.Any person belonging to any one of the above category can become a member of ASB library by submitting the library membership form available in the library.
2. Faculty members and non-teaching staffs of ASB will have the privilege of borrowing ten books at a time and the loan period will be 20 days which can be extended as per requirements.
3. PGDM Student member can borrow five books at a time from the Library.Loan period for books to a PGDM Student member will be 14 days which can be extended five times in blocks of 14 days by physically bringing the book to the library or through online,provided the book is not reserved by others.
4. ASB Alumni Members who wish to become a member of ASB Library will have to deposit a sum of Rs.5000/- (Rupees two thousand only) as security deposit which will be refunded to them when they desire to close the membership of the library. They will be issued three books and the loan period will be 30 days which can be extended twice of 15 days either through online request or physically bringing the book to the library .No further extension will be granted.
5. Members are requested to return/renew the books issued on loan on or before the due date itself (or else will have to pay a fine of Re.5 per day per book.)
6. Reference books issued for overnight use are to be returned at on the next working day. Penalty for for late return will be Rs.10 per hour per book.
7. The borrower should check the fitness of the document before getting it issued. Any damage /mutilation in the document should be brought to the notice of the person at the Circulation Counter who will put necessary remarks on the document before issuing.
8. The borrower will be held responsible for any damage/mutilation found at the time of return of the document, if not recorded on it earlier, and will be liable to pay the penalty as decided by the Librarian.
9. Journals,Magazines, Newspapers will not be issued on loan but can be borrowed for overnight use after necessary entries are made in the Register kept for the purpose. They are to be returned on the next working day itself and late return will attract the same rules applied for Reference books.
10. Faculty members are exempted from paying overdue charges.
11. New Books/Books on Loan can be reserved by Members through on-line or direct.Email <asblib@gmail.com>
12. Arrival of new books will be intimated to the members through on-line mode only.