- Classification of books following DDC latest edition (presently 23rd ed.).Before consult DDC, we check our database and provide the earlier class number in case of same title if found.
- Cataloguing of books following AACR-II.
- Prepare Subject Heading following Library of Congress Subject Heading.
- Preparing / Update Database using Koha software.
- Generating Bar-Code using Koha software.
- Classify books as Reference ,Rare,General etc.
- Update database for the classified books also for Binding, Lost Books etc.
- Stamping ,labeling ASB seal and spine-label.
- Generate list of new arrival of books which includes bibliographic details including Abstract.
- Put hard-copy of new arrivals into display board (weekly).Simultaneously those books are kept for 'New Arrival' Display.
- New arrivals list with bibliographic details are updated on ASB Library blog(http://asblibrarytvm.blogspot.com/)
- Send this list to the ASB academic community through g-mail (weekly).
23 January 2012
Thiruvananthapuram : Asian School of Business played host to eminent policy makers, industrialists and business leaders who came toge...
Business Week: http://www.businessweek.com India Today, Business Today, Readers Digest, Golf Digest: http://www.indi...