20 April 2012

New Arrivals:Books List 2

Title Author Barcode
Media ethics Shrivastava,K M 3180
Myth buster Asthana,NC 3192
David Copperfield Dickens,Charles 3260
Mastering People Management Thomas,Mark 3191
The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Sharma, Robin 3190
A Guide to Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: Expert Tips and Advice Sloane,Paul 3189
Making the Most of Being Mentored: Mentors Help. Mentees Do. Shea,Gordon 3188
Creating a High Performance Team: Conlow,Rick 3187
Branded Beauty: How Marketing Changed the Way We Look Tungate,Mark 3186
Best Practice in Performance Coaching: Wilson, Carol 3185
Organizational development a practitioner's guide for OD and HR Cheung-Judge, Mee-Yan 3184
The Power of Co-Creation: Ramaswamy, Venkat 3183
How Remarkable Women Lead: Barsh, Joanna 3182
Public Relations in India: New Tasks and Responsibilities . Vilanilam, J. V 3181
Mobile Marketing: Toker, Aysegul 3261
The Yellow Emperor's Cure Basu,Kunal 3210
Open City Cole, Teju 3209
China and India: Malik,Mohan 3208
South Asia: Envisioning a Regional Future Pattanaik,Smruti S 3207
Handbook Of SAARC Singh,Sudhir Kumar 3206
Anna Karenina Tolstoy,Leo 3262
Count of Monte Cristo Dumas,Alexadre 3263
The Bachelor of arts Narayan,R K 3231
The Bachelor of arts Narayan,R K 3232
Human Resource Management Randhawa,Gurpreet 3228
Group Discussions for admissionsand jobs John,David 3229
Tales from Shakespeare Lamb,Charles 3244
Oliver Twist Dickens,Charles 3245
Frankenstein Shelly,Mary 3242
Room with a view Forester,EM 3238
India: An Introduction Khushwant Singh 3241
Enigma of Arrival Naipaul, V. S. 3247
Eternal Husband and other stories DostoevskyFyodor 3240
Sins of the father Archer,Jeffrey 3233
The Impulse Economy
China InTen words Hua,Yu 3205
India Arriving: Dossani,Rafiq 3211
Beyond Ego Horn,Art 3212
Start and run an internet business Strange,Carol Anne 3215
Lajja Nasrim,Taslina 3249
Business-To-Business Marketing Brennan, Ross 3287

Business Transformations Chandrasekar,K S 3281
Innovation, Product Development and Commercialization: Rafinejad,Dariush 3280
International Finance Shailaja,G 3279
Managing Change: Hughes,mark 3278
Marketing Management Pradhan,Debasis 3277
Listen First!: Rappaport,Stephen D 3276
Small Business Survival Guide: Starting, Protecting, and Securing Your Business for Long-Term Success Ennico,Cliff 3275
Beyond Performance: Keller, Scott 3274
Winning the Loser's Game, Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing Ellis,Charles 3273
Organization Design: Cichocki, Patricia 3272
Managing Recruitment Training and Development (Book of Activities) Christopher,Elizabeth M 3271
Cracking the IT Interview Balasubramaniam, M et.al 3332
Temple and the mosque Premchand 3248
Notes on the Great Indian Circus Khushwant Singh 3239
The New Rules of Marketing & PR: Scott,David Meerman 3214
Shopper Marketing: Stahlberg, Markus 3339
Sherlock Holmes, the complete novels and stories Doyle, Arthur Conan 3338

Print Journals In the Library