21 March 2013

Management books useful for Indian Civil Service exam

Managerial Function and Process
1.Management by Stephen R Robins
2.Introduction to management science By Anderson et.al
Organisational Behaviour and Design
1.Organisational behaviour By Stephen R Robins
2.Organisational behaviour by Gupta, Shashi K
3.Organizational behaviour: by Nelson, Debra
4.Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour by Dwivedi, RS
5.Organisational behaviour by Hellriegel, Don
6.Organizational theory and behaviour: by Moshal, BS
7. Guide to organisation design: by Stanford, Naomi

Human Resource Management
1.Human resource management by Dessler, Gary
2.Human resource management by Gupta, Shashi K
3.Fundamentals of human resource management by De Cenzo, David A
4.Human resource management and personnel management: by Aswathappa, K
5.Advanced human resource management by Gupta, SC

Accounting for Managers
1.Accounting for managers: by Jayapandian, S
2.Finance and accounting for non financial managers by Weaver, Samuel C
3.Financial accounting for business managers by Bhattacharyya, Ashish K

Financial Management:
1.Financial management by Brigham, Eugene F
2.Fundamentals of financial management by Brigham, Eugene F
3.Fundamentals of financial management by Chandra, Prasanna
4.Financial management: by Gupta, Shashi K
5.International financial management by Apte, Prakash G

Marketing Management
1.Marketing: by Armstrong, Gary
2.Marketing Management: by Kotler, Philip
3.Principles of marketing by Kotler, Philip
4.Marketing management: by Lal, Rajiv
5.Introduction to marketing: by Palmer, Adrian
6.Marketing management: by Ramaswamy, VS

Quantitative Techniques in Decision Making:
1.Quantitative techniques in management by Vohra, ND
2. Complete business statistics by Aczel, Amir D
3.Quantitative techniques: by Tulsian, PC

Production and Operations Management
1.Production and operations management by Bedi, Kanishka
2.Production and operations management by Panneerselvam, R
3.Operations management for competitive advantage by Chase, Richard B
4.Operations management by Hill, Terry
5.Operations management by Russel, Roberta S.
6.Operations management: by Mahadevan, B

Management Information System
1.Management information systems: by Laudon, Kenneth C
2.Management information systems. by O'Brien, James
3.Management information systems: by Kumar, Dharminder
4.Management Information Systems by Goyal, DP
5.Management information systems: by Jawadekar, Waman S

Government Business Interface:
1.Corporate governance and stewardship: by Balasubramanian, N
2.Corporate governance by Kumar, T N Satheesh
3.Corporate governance: by Williams, Anthony
4.Corporate governance: by Fernando, AC

Strategic Management
1.Strategic management of knowledge and innovation by Burgelman, Robert A
2.Strategic management: by David, Fred R.
3.Strategic management: by Dess, Gregory G
4.Strategic management and business policy: by Wheelen, Thomas L
5.Strategic management: by Thompson, Arthur A

International Business
1.Elements of international business by Chary, SN
2.International business: by Ajami, Riad A
3.nternational business: by Hill, Charles WL
4.International business by Rugman, Alan M
5.International business by Paul, Justin

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