15 October 2012

100+ Professional Social Media Business Tools for Brands and Marketers

Businesses and organizations who are serious about engaging with customers in a meaningful way have to go beyond the basics in social media. That’s why I’ve put together this comprehensive, yet easily scannable, list of social media tools and resources that can be deployed by small business or large enterprises.
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22 September 2012

10 Top Reasons Why First-Time Entrepreneurs Fail

"For entrepreneurs -- especially those just starting out -- businesses succeed as much as they fail. I’ve seen this time and again as a mentor and entrepreneur. But statistics also suggest that the failure rate for new startups within the first five years is as high as 50 percent....!!!

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21 August 2012

How to self-publish an ebook

     Interested in self-publishing an e-book? CNET Executive Editor David Carnoy offers some basic tips for e-book publishing and lays out your best options for publishing quickly and easily.

11 August 2012

60 Ways To Make Life Simple Again

When we were young life was easier, right?  I know sometimes it seems that way.  But the truth is life still is easy.  It always will be.  The only difference is we’re older, and the older we get, the more we complicate things for ourselves.

You see, when we were young we saw the world through simple, hopeful eyes.  We knew what we wanted and we had no biases or concealed agendas.  We liked people who smiled.  We avoided people who frowned.  We ate when we were hungry, drank when we were thirsty, and slept when we were tired...

3 August 2012

How to get an ISBN Number in India....

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric commercial book identifier based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code created by Gordon Foster, Emeritus Professor of Statistics at Trinity College, Dublin, for the booksellers and stationers W. H. Smith and others in 1961.

30 July 2012

The Economist

The Economist is an English-language weekly news and international affairs publication owned by The Economist Newspaper Ltd. and edited in offices in London..Continuous publication began under founder James Wilson in September 1843. For historical reasons The Economist refers to itself as a newspaper, but each print edition appears on small glossy paper like a news magazine, and its YouTube channel is called Economist Magazine In 2006, its average weekly circulation was reported to be 1.5 million, about half of which were sold in the United States.
(Source :Wikipedia)
ASB Library subscribe  both print and online subscriptions of The Economist.

23 July 2012

Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers

Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers is a quarterly publication of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India. Its objective is to disseminate concepts of professional management and contribute to a better understanding of the context, resources, structures, systems, processes, and performance of organizations.(Source :www.vikalpa.com)

18 July 2012

EBSCO Business Source Elite

This business database provides full text for over 1,000 business publications. The rich collection of titles in Business Source Elite provides information dating back to 1985. More than 10,100 substantial company profiles from Datamonitor are also included. This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost. Following links provide the  latest information.

Other Sources (Conference Proceedings Collection, Country Report, etc.)

13 July 2012

16 Creative Ways to Use Twitter for Business

Is your Twitter activity feeling stale?The good news is that you can easily revitalize your Twitter experience!Here are 16 ways to bring new life and renewed business purpose to your Twitter efforts.

What are the 10 Secret Benefits of Blogging?

Just about everyone is a blogger these days whether they realize it or not.If you write something on Facebook and receive comments and feedback then you are a blogger.Tweet a short sentence of 140 characters on Twitter and you are a micro blogger.Upload a video to YouTube where you can obtain subscribers and elicit comments, then you are a video blogger...
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10 July 2012


Dataquest is India's oldest IT publication. A fortnightly, Dataquest is published by Cyber Media India Ltd, South Asia's largest specialty media group. The magazine targets senior IT managers in user organizations as well as the IT industry professionals in India.Dataquest has grown with the Indian IT industry from its infancy and has championed many causes. It was one of the first publications to champion energy/green issues and the application of IT in governance.

Yojana magazine

Yojana is a monthly devoted to socio-economic issues and started its publication in 1957 by  Publications  Division ,Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,Govt. of India.The magazine is now published in 13 languages viz. English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Oriya.
All archival issues of Yojana now available on-line.

Seminar magazine

Seminar magazine an Indian Magazine attempts a departure from the usual type  journals.  Each issue deals with a single problem. Those who hold different and at times opposing viewpoints express their thoughts.  The credo of the magazine is ‘to reflect through free discussion, every shade of Indian thought and aspiration...to gather the facts and ideas of this age and to help thinking people arrive at a certain degree of cohesion and clarity in facing the problems of economics, of politics, of culture.’

30 June 2012

INFLIBNET Open access Consortium

Open access is a publication model wherein neither a reader nor the reader's institution are charged for access to articles or other resources. Users are free to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles. The INFLIBNET Consortium encourages open access through institutional repositories in its member institutions.

29 June 2012

Economic and Political Weekly archive

The Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) is an Indian magazine published from Mumbai by the Sameeksha Trust, a charitable trust. The magazine was first published in 1949 as the Economic Weekly and since 1966 was re-christened the Economic and Political Weekly.
The EPW publishes both scholarly research and information about current events. In addition to news, editorial comment and book reviews, the Weekly carries academic articles by top scholars, especially in its twice-yearly special issues.

28 June 2012

100 Best Blogs for International Business Students

International business students not only have to learn all there is to know about business, but they also need to learn plenty of other things too, like the culture and society of other countries. The following blogs provide an excellent opportunity for students to find out first-hand about doing business in countries around the world, hear from other b-school students living and studying abroad, find out what professors have to say, and even explore the developing field of micro financing.
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Top 100 Best Books for Managers, Leaders & Humans

21 June 2012

The 25 Best Leadership Bloggers

Anyone who has ever tried to lead people will tell you leadership is more like art than science. And as with art, perfecting the craft of leadership requires studying under a master. Of course, an aspiring leader must have a foundation of communication, decision-making, and problem-solving skills, but owning the tools and knowing how to use them to maximum effect are two different things. The blogosphere is full of leaders with either outstanding leadership knowledge or strong writing ability, but far fewer have both. These 25 bloggers earn our endorsement as the best of the best.

11 June 2012

Searching e books in EBSCO

Ebsco Advanced Search

Ebsco search

Research Report


The Preliminaries/Front Matter
1. Abstract—A brief summary which restates the problem, the procedures, the main findings, and the major conclusions. It is usually about 200 words or less in length. It is considered optional unless the report or journal format specifically calls for it.
2. Title—The title, in effect, serves as part of the abstract and should, within a reasonable length, be descriptive of the study.
3. Copyright notice—copyright protection is effective for the life of the author plus seventy years. All publications automatically receive copyright protection, but there are possible advantages to be gained from actually registering a publication with the  Copyright Office.
4. Acknowledgments (optional).
5. Table of contents—this is particularly important if the report is relatively long.
6.List of tables (where needed).
7.List of figures (graphic illustrations other than tables).

The Text

1. Introduction and problem

a. Brief introduction—This is not always considered desirable as it usually summarizes the report and therefore becomes somewhat redundant. It can help to express the purpose of the study at an early point in the report.
b. Statement of the problem—This section also typically includes a brief review of documents relevant to the problem.
c. Identification of subproblems, if any
d. Delimitations of the study
e. Conceptual definitions of key terms
f. Abbreviations, if needed
g. Statement of the need or justification for the study
h. A note on the organization of the remainder of the report

2. Review of related literature—This review will build on the briefer literature review provided for the problem statement. It should provide the conceptual basis for the hypothesis to follow. It may also draw on related subject fields. If individuals are cited, their authority should be indicated.

3. Conceptual framework of the study—As is true for the proposal, many researchers prefer that this section precede the literature review and often include it in the introductory or problem section.
a. Hypothesis(es) and/or research questions
b. Assumptions—These basic assumptions help to support the logic of
the hypothesis.
c.Operational definitions of important concepts

4. Design of the study—The design of the study is broader than the basic research method (e.g., survey), which should already be apparent at this point. The description of the design should be clear and precise about what was done and how it was done.
a. The population and sampling procedures, if any—This section should include a description of the research locale or setting if important.
b. Sources of relevant data, including criteria for admissibility
c. Data collection techniques and instruments
d. Data analysis techniques.

5. Results
a. Descriptive statistics, if utilized
b. Inferential statistics—The section where hypotheses, if any, are tested
c. Other findings—An optional section of miscellaneous findings or
results not directly related to the hypothesis
d. Summary of results
6. Summary and conclusions
a. Summary of the study
b.Interpretations and conclusions
c.Limitations of the results
d.Recommendations, if any, for future research

Back Matter
1. References—The list of citations or footnotes, if not provided at the appropriate locations in the text.
2. Bibliography—A list of other “classic” studies and highly relevant items; it also will include the references, if not listed separately.
3. Appendix—The appendix or appendices should include only supplementary material not essential to an understanding of the text.

4 June 2012

Book Arrangement

Books in ASB  library are arranged by subject using the Dewey Decimal Classification system. Each subject is given a number called a Call number, and the books are then shelved in numerical order.
The Dewey Decimal Classification divides all knowledge into ten main subject areas, which are each assigned a range of numbers:

000 – 099 General subjects, computing
100 – 199 Philosophy, psychology
200 – 299 Religion
300 – 399 Social sciences
400 – 499 Language
500 – 599 Natural sciences, mathematics
600 – 699 Technology (applied sciences)
700 – 799 Arts, entertainment
800 – 899 Literature
900 – 999 History, geography

The main subject areas are subdivided into smaller and smaller sections, giving more specific subjects like:

600 Technology (applied sciences)
610 Medical sciences and medicine
620 Engineering & allied operations
630 Agriculture 
640 Home economics & family living 
650 Management & auxiliary services
660 Chemical engineering
670 Manufacturing
680 Manufacture for specific uses
690 Buildings

and again subdivided into ...

650 Management & auxiliary services

  • 650.1 Personal success in business
651 Office services
  • 651.3 Office management
  • 651.5 Records management
  • 651.7 Communication Creation and transmission of records
  • 651.8 Data processing Computer applications
652 Processes of written communication
  • 652.3 Typewriting
  • 652.5 Word processing
653 Shorthand
654 not used
655 not used
656 not used
657 Accounting
658 General management
  • 658.1 Organization and finance
  • 658.2 Plant management
  • 658.3 Personal management
  • 658.4 Executive management
  • 658.5 Management of production
  • 658.7 Management of materials
  • 658.8 Management of distribution (Marketing)
659 Advertising & public relations

Every DDC call number begins with a three-digit whole number, and some are followed by decimal numbers. The second part contains three letters called book number.So a call number is the combination of both Class number and Book Number.

DDC Call Number

Let's illustrate how a DDC call number works using the following book from the Oversize Juvenile Nonfiction collection:

The Declaration of Independence
by the United States of America
The first line of a DDC call number identifies the subject of the work and each digit has a specific meaning. In our example, the digits may be interpreted thus:
  • The first number, 9, places the book in the 900s which is History & Geography,
  • The second number, 7, places the book in the 970s which is General History of North America,
  • The third number, 3, places the book the in 973s which is United States,
  • The fourth number, 3, places the book the in 973.3s which is Revolution and confederation, 1775-1789,
  • Thus 973.3 is used for materials about the American revolution and confederation which occurred between 1775 and 1789.
Fortunately, you do not need to memorize this. However, you may use this knowledge to your advantage. 
The second line identifies the author of the work by using the first three letters of the author's last name, or the corporate name. In this example, the author is a group or corporate entity with no "last name," so the first three letters of the whole name are used, UNI.
When using the call number, treat the number that precedes the decimal/period/full stop as a whole number, and that which follows it as a decimal number. Therefore, 091 comes before 910, and 940.13 comes before 940.3. Letters on the second line are read alphabetically.
DDC Numbers Arranged in Alpha-Numeric Order

1 June 2012

Top 50 Business Blogs

Top 50 Business Blogs

11 May 2012

World Development Report Online

The World Development Report (WDR) has been produced on an annual basis since 1978 and is the World Bank's major analytical publication. The topic of each report is selected by the Bank’s president three years in advance of the book’s publication.
Read more..

20 April 2012

New arrivals:Books List 3

Title Author Barcode
The Way Were Working Isnt Working: Schwartz, Tony 3342
Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: Sullivan,Luke 3341
Management and Organisation: Linstead,Stephen 3343
Captains Courageous Kipling,Rudyard 3340
Thinking Design Balaram,S 3316
Understanding Strategic management Henry,Anthony E 3314
Supply Chain Cost Management Anklesaria,Jimmy 3312
Supply Chain Management Madan,Pankaj 3313
Principles of organizational behaviour Fincham, Robin 3308
Relationship marketing Godson,Mark 3288
Entrepreneurship Roy,Rajeev 3289
Ensure Team Effectiveness Aldridge,Kerry 3285
Manage projects Kent, Christine. 3286
Manage an information or knowledgemanagement system Robertshawe,Penny 3284
Compensation management: Deb, Topomoy 3310
A study in Business Ethics Raj,Rituparna 3322
Banking Strategy, Credit Appraisal, And Lending Decisions: A Risk Bhattacharya,Hrishikes 3321
Negotiation Hames,David S. 3317
Brand Management: Principles and Practices Dutta,Kirti 3301
Legal Aspects Of Business Saravanavel,P 3324
Marketing Strategy Mishra,Anil 3282
Understanding Michael Porter: Magretta,Joan 3293
Textbook of Hotel Housekeeping Management &operations Andrews,Sudhir 3291
The Case Study Handbook: Ellet,William 3303
Customer in The Boardroom?: Bijapurkar,Rama 3294
Facebook Marketing For Dummies Dunay,Paul 3297
Logistical Management: Bowersox,Donald J 3306
Supply Chain Management:
Organization theory Eriksson-Zetterquist,Ulla et.al 3302
Economic environment of business Chakraborthy,suman Kalyan 3319
No Country For Women Nasreen,Taslima 3351
An Idea Whose Time Has Come: The Story of the Indian School of Business Sinha,Pramath Raj 3352
Human Resource Development & Employee Relation Riley, Pippa 3298
Foundations of financial management Block,Stanley et.al 3330
Financial management Sinha, Pradip Kumar 3329
International Marketing Czinkota,Michael R. 3327
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive Diamond,Jared 3346
Up from Slavery Washington,Booker T. 3344
Midnight's Children Rushdie,Salman 3347
Every Second Counts Armstrong, Lance 3348
Communication Skills Kumar,Sanjay 3309
IT Service Management Kelkar,S A 3296
International Retailing Gupta,S L 3304
Solid Waste Management: Singh, Jagbir 3323
Handbook Of Management Consultancy Sadler, Philip 3354
Manage budgets and financial plans Haylee 3283
Best Thing About You Is You Kher,Anupam 3345
International Business Cherunilam,Francis 3311
Compensation Management Bhattacharyya,Dipak Kumar 3300
Health care management Singh,Ruchi 3326
Personality Development And Soft Skills Mitra,Barun K 3325
Human Resource Development David Mcguire, 3318
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Services Kumar,Prasanna 3290
Introducing Public Relations: Theory & Practice Butterick,Keith 3295
A Shot at History: My Obsessive Journey to Olympic Gold Bindra, Abhinav 3353
Colonialism and Neocolonialism Sartre,Jean-paul 3350
My Spiritual Autobiography Dalai Lama 3349
Case method in management education and training: Dhar, Upinder 3356
Case method in management education and training: Dhar, Upinder 3355
Marketing Management For Nonprofit Organizations Sargeant,Adrian 3292

New Arrivals:Books List 2

Title Author Barcode
Media ethics Shrivastava,K M 3180
Myth buster Asthana,NC 3192
David Copperfield Dickens,Charles 3260
Mastering People Management Thomas,Mark 3191
The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Sharma, Robin 3190
A Guide to Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: Expert Tips and Advice Sloane,Paul 3189
Making the Most of Being Mentored: Mentors Help. Mentees Do. Shea,Gordon 3188
Creating a High Performance Team: Conlow,Rick 3187
Branded Beauty: How Marketing Changed the Way We Look Tungate,Mark 3186
Best Practice in Performance Coaching: Wilson, Carol 3185
Organizational development a practitioner's guide for OD and HR Cheung-Judge, Mee-Yan 3184
The Power of Co-Creation: Ramaswamy, Venkat 3183
How Remarkable Women Lead: Barsh, Joanna 3182
Public Relations in India: New Tasks and Responsibilities . Vilanilam, J. V 3181
Mobile Marketing: Toker, Aysegul 3261
The Yellow Emperor's Cure Basu,Kunal 3210
Open City Cole, Teju 3209
China and India: Malik,Mohan 3208
South Asia: Envisioning a Regional Future Pattanaik,Smruti S 3207
Handbook Of SAARC Singh,Sudhir Kumar 3206
Anna Karenina Tolstoy,Leo 3262
Count of Monte Cristo Dumas,Alexadre 3263
The Bachelor of arts Narayan,R K 3231
The Bachelor of arts Narayan,R K 3232
Human Resource Management Randhawa,Gurpreet 3228
Group Discussions for admissionsand jobs John,David 3229
Tales from Shakespeare Lamb,Charles 3244
Oliver Twist Dickens,Charles 3245
Frankenstein Shelly,Mary 3242
Room with a view Forester,EM 3238
India: An Introduction Khushwant Singh 3241
Enigma of Arrival Naipaul, V. S. 3247
Eternal Husband and other stories DostoevskyFyodor 3240
Sins of the father Archer,Jeffrey 3233
The Impulse Economy
China InTen words Hua,Yu 3205
India Arriving: Dossani,Rafiq 3211
Beyond Ego Horn,Art 3212
Start and run an internet business Strange,Carol Anne 3215
Lajja Nasrim,Taslina 3249
Business-To-Business Marketing Brennan, Ross 3287

Business Transformations Chandrasekar,K S 3281
Innovation, Product Development and Commercialization: Rafinejad,Dariush 3280
International Finance Shailaja,G 3279
Managing Change: Hughes,mark 3278
Marketing Management Pradhan,Debasis 3277
Listen First!: Rappaport,Stephen D 3276
Small Business Survival Guide: Starting, Protecting, and Securing Your Business for Long-Term Success Ennico,Cliff 3275
Beyond Performance: Keller, Scott 3274
Winning the Loser's Game, Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing Ellis,Charles 3273
Organization Design: Cichocki, Patricia 3272
Managing Recruitment Training and Development (Book of Activities) Christopher,Elizabeth M 3271
Cracking the IT Interview Balasubramaniam, M et.al 3332
Temple and the mosque Premchand 3248
Notes on the Great Indian Circus Khushwant Singh 3239
The New Rules of Marketing & PR: Scott,David Meerman 3214
Shopper Marketing: Stahlberg, Markus 3339
Sherlock Holmes, the complete novels and stories Doyle, Arthur Conan 3338

New Arrivals :Books List 1




Like The Flowing River Coelho,Paulo 3225
The Inheritance of Loss Desai,Kiran 3235
Mein Kampf Hitler,Adolf 3257
Capital Marx,Karl 3250
The Rough guide to climate change Henson ,Robert 3256
The monk and the riddle : Komisar,Randy 3198
Thinking Fast and Slow Kahneman, Daniel 3200
One click : Brandt, Richard L 3196
Niche : why the market no longer favours the mainstream Harkin, James 3201
Managing the non-profit organization : Drucker, Peter F 3254
The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course Organizational development Balzac,Stephen 3266
Managers, can you hear me now? : hard-hitting lessons on how to get real results Strigl, Denny F 3267
The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course : product development Belz, Andrea 3268
Research Project Riley,Pippa 3204
Expand Your Brand: How to Supersize Any Brand Anywhere in the World Pereyra, Merrill. 3193
7 deadly sins of corporate mismanagement : Vir Singh, Udai 3194
The story of my life Keller, Helen, 3230
The story of my life Keller, Helen, 3259
Motivating People for Improved Performance Harvard Business School Press 3197
Hiring Smart for Competitive Advantage Harvard Business School 3199
30 Day MBA in International Business: Barrow,Colin 3213
Brand Failures Haig,Matt 3216
Face-To-Face Communications for Clarity and Impact Harvard Business School Press 3217
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change Harvard Business Review Press 3218
The coffer dams Markandaya,Kamala 3234
Coolie Anand,Mulkraj 3246
Selected short stories Saki(Munro H H) 3265
War and Peace Tolstoy,Leo 3264
Memoirs Pablo,Neruda 3226
Future Files: Watson, Richard 3222
The Entrepreneur's Strategy Guide: Ten Keys for Achieving Marketplace Leadership and Operational Excellence Cannon, Tim 3227
The Mobile MBA : 112 Skills to Take You Further, Faster Owen, Jo 3219
The India Way: How India\'s Top Business Leaders Are Revolutionizing Management Cappelli, Peter 3169
Family Wisdom Sharma,Robin 3168
The Greatness Guide2 Sharma,Robin 3167
Becoming a Manager: How New Managers Master the Challenges of Leadership Hill,Linda A. 3166
Inside Apple Lashinsky,Adam 3165
Start It Up Johnson,Luke 3156
Role plays Turner,David 3155
The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time on the Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity Hill,Napoleon et.al 3153
Training for change Bishop,Sue 3154
Successful Finance for Non-Accountants Brown,Brian 3150
Organizational behavior. Robbins, Stephen P 3335
Organizational behavior. Robbins, Stephen P 3336
Organizational behavior. Robbins, Stephen P 3337
Tale of two cities Dickens,Charles 3255
The Boss is NOT Your Friend Nair,Vijay 3253
Kalam effect Nair,P M 3252
Cases in management Srivastva ,Sanjay 3307
Applied case studies in marketing[ with cd] Shajahan,S 3328
Effective presentation: Kaul, Asha 3179
Think global go rural Kanan,KV 3305
Corporate Responsibily Blowfield ,Michael 3299
Passion & Purpose: Stories from the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders Coleman,John 3161
Repeatability: Creating Enduring Businesses for a World of Constant Change Author: Zook,Chris 3162
Rural Marketing Kashyap, Pradeep 3334
The Little Black Book of Innovation: How It Works, How to Do It Anthony, Scott D. 3164
Calculating Success: How the New Workplace Analytics Will Revitalize Your Organization Hoffmann, Carl 3163
Intelligent Stock Market Investing Handbook Yasaswy,N J 3157
Managing With Power - Politics And Influence In Organizations Pfeffer,Jeffery 3158
In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives Levy,Steven 3159
What to Ask the Person in the Mirror Author: Kaplan,Robert 3160
The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking Is the Next Competitive Advantage Martin,Roger L. 3149
My Big Idea: 30 Successful Entrepreneurs Reveal How They Found Inspiration Bridge,Rachel 3151
The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels Watkins,Michael 3152
Business of Tourism Choudhary,Vikash 3144
Medical tourism in India Kumar,R 3145
Textbook of rural marketing Chawla,Shipra 3146
Inside the Indian Business Mind Zubko,Katherine C 3147
The Great Workplace: How To Build It, How To Keep It, And Why It Matters Burchell, Michael 3148
Tathaastu Sajeev Nair 3143
Teaching And The Case Method: Barnes,Louis B. 3331
Win the battle of conflicts within Tiwari,Ram Shanker 3175
Empowering women as I see Bedi,Kiran 3174
Harvard Business Review on Collaborating effectively Harvard Business Review 3170
Entrepedia: Vaidynathan,Nandini 3172
Finding & Keeping the Best People Harvard Business Review 3171
Start and Run a Business from Home, : How to Turn You Hobby or Interest Into a Business Power,Paul 3173
Indian microfinance: Ghate,Prabhu 3176
A Random Walk Down Wall Street: Malkiel, Burton G. 3177
Environmental Economics Jhingan,M. L. 3178

Print Journals In the Library