Title | Author | Barcode |
The Way Were Working Isnt Working: | Schwartz, Tony | 3342 |
Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: | Sullivan,Luke | 3341 |
Management and Organisation: | Linstead,Stephen | 3343 |
Captains Courageous | Kipling,Rudyard | 3340 |
Thinking Design | Balaram,S | 3316 |
Understanding Strategic management | Henry,Anthony E | 3314 |
Supply Chain Cost Management | Anklesaria,Jimmy | 3312 |
Supply Chain Management | Madan,Pankaj | 3313 |
Principles of organizational behaviour | Fincham, Robin | 3308 |
Relationship marketing | Godson,Mark | 3288 |
Entrepreneurship | Roy,Rajeev | 3289 |
Ensure Team Effectiveness | Aldridge,Kerry | 3285 |
Manage projects | Kent, Christine. | 3286 |
Manage an information or knowledgemanagement system | Robertshawe,Penny | 3284 |
Compensation management: | Deb, Topomoy | 3310 |
A study in Business Ethics | Raj,Rituparna | 3322 |
Banking Strategy, Credit Appraisal, And Lending Decisions: A Risk | Bhattacharya,Hrishikes | 3321 |
Negotiation | Hames,David S. | 3317 |
Brand Management: Principles and Practices | Dutta,Kirti | 3301 |
Legal Aspects Of Business | Saravanavel,P | 3324 |
Marketing Strategy | Mishra,Anil | 3282 |
Understanding Michael Porter: | Magretta,Joan | 3293 |
Textbook of Hotel Housekeeping Management &operations | Andrews,Sudhir | 3291 |
The Case Study Handbook: | Ellet,William | 3303 |
Customer in The Boardroom?: | Bijapurkar,Rama | 3294 |
Facebook Marketing For Dummies | Dunay,Paul | 3297 |
Logistical Management: | Bowersox,Donald J | 3306 |
Supply Chain Management: | 3320 | |
Organization theory | Eriksson-Zetterquist,Ulla et.al | 3302 |
Economic environment of business | Chakraborthy,suman Kalyan | 3319 |
No Country For Women | Nasreen,Taslima | 3351 |
An Idea Whose Time Has Come: The Story of the Indian School of Business | Sinha,Pramath Raj | 3352 |
Human Resource Development & Employee Relation | Riley, Pippa | 3298 |
Foundations of financial management | Block,Stanley et.al | 3330 |
Financial management | Sinha, Pradip Kumar | 3329 |
International Marketing | Czinkota,Michael R. | 3327 |
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive | Diamond,Jared | 3346 |
Up from Slavery | Washington,Booker T. | 3344 |
Midnight's Children | Rushdie,Salman | 3347 |
Every Second Counts | Armstrong, Lance | 3348 |
Communication Skills | Kumar,Sanjay | 3309 |
IT Service Management | Kelkar,S A | 3296 |
International Retailing | Gupta,S L | 3304 |
Solid Waste Management: | Singh, Jagbir | 3323 |
Handbook Of Management Consultancy | Sadler, Philip | 3354 |
Manage budgets and financial plans | Haylee | 3283 |
Best Thing About You Is You | Kher,Anupam | 3345 |
International Business | Cherunilam,Francis | 3311 |
Compensation Management | Bhattacharyya,Dipak Kumar | 3300 |
Health care management | Singh,Ruchi | 3326 |
Personality Development And Soft Skills | Mitra,Barun K | 3325 |
Human Resource Development | David Mcguire, | 3318 |
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Services | Kumar,Prasanna | 3290 |
Introducing Public Relations: Theory & Practice | Butterick,Keith | 3295 |
A Shot at History: My Obsessive Journey to Olympic Gold | Bindra, Abhinav | 3353 |
Colonialism and Neocolonialism | Sartre,Jean-paul | 3350 |
My Spiritual Autobiography | Dalai Lama | 3349 |
Case method in management education and training: | Dhar, Upinder | 3356 |
Case method in management education and training: | Dhar, Upinder | 3355 |
Marketing Management For Nonprofit Organizations | Sargeant,Adrian | 3292 |
20 April 2012
New arrivals:Books List 3
New Arrivals:Books List 2
Title | Author | Barcode |
Media ethics | Shrivastava,K M | 3180 |
Myth buster | Asthana,NC | 3192 |
David Copperfield | Dickens,Charles | 3260 |
Mastering People Management | Thomas,Mark | 3191 |
The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari | Sharma, Robin | 3190 |
A Guide to Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: Expert Tips and Advice | Sloane,Paul | 3189 |
Making the Most of Being Mentored: Mentors Help. Mentees Do. | Shea,Gordon | 3188 |
Creating a High Performance Team: | Conlow,Rick | 3187 |
Branded Beauty: How Marketing Changed the Way We Look | Tungate,Mark | 3186 |
Best Practice in Performance Coaching: | Wilson, Carol | 3185 |
Organizational development a practitioner's guide for OD and HR | Cheung-Judge, Mee-Yan | 3184 |
The Power of Co-Creation: | Ramaswamy, Venkat | 3183 |
How Remarkable Women Lead: | Barsh, Joanna | 3182 |
Public Relations in India: New Tasks and Responsibilities | . Vilanilam, J. V | 3181 |
Mobile Marketing: | Toker, Aysegul | 3261 |
The Yellow Emperor's Cure | Basu,Kunal | 3210 |
Open City | Cole, Teju | 3209 |
China and India: | Malik,Mohan | 3208 |
South Asia: Envisioning a Regional Future | Pattanaik,Smruti S | 3207 |
Handbook Of SAARC | Singh,Sudhir Kumar | 3206 |
Anna Karenina | Tolstoy,Leo | 3262 |
Count of Monte Cristo | Dumas,Alexadre | 3263 |
The Bachelor of arts | Narayan,R K | 3231 |
The Bachelor of arts | Narayan,R K | 3232 |
Human Resource Management | Randhawa,Gurpreet | 3228 |
Group Discussions for admissionsand jobs | John,David | 3229 |
Tales from Shakespeare | Lamb,Charles | 3244 |
Oliver Twist | Dickens,Charles | 3245 |
Frankenstein | Shelly,Mary | 3242 |
Neoliberalism | 3243 | |
Room with a view | Forester,EM | 3238 |
India: An Introduction | Khushwant Singh | 3241 |
Enigma of Arrival | Naipaul, V. S. | 3247 |
Eternal Husband and other stories | DostoevskyFyodor | 3240 |
Sins of the father | Archer,Jeffrey | 3233 |
The Impulse Economy | 3202 | |
China InTen words | Hua,Yu | 3205 |
India Arriving: | Dossani,Rafiq | 3211 |
Beyond Ego | Horn,Art | 3212 |
Start and run an internet business | Strange,Carol Anne | 3215 |
Lajja | Nasrim,Taslina | 3249 |
Business-To-Business Marketing | Brennan, Ross | 3287 |
Business Transformations | Chandrasekar,K S | 3281 |
Innovation, Product Development and Commercialization: | Rafinejad,Dariush | 3280 |
International Finance | Shailaja,G | 3279 |
Managing Change: | Hughes,mark | 3278 |
Marketing Management | Pradhan,Debasis | 3277 |
Listen First!: | Rappaport,Stephen D | 3276 |
Small Business Survival Guide: Starting, Protecting, and Securing Your Business for Long-Term Success | Ennico,Cliff | 3275 |
Beyond Performance: | Keller, Scott | 3274 |
Winning the Loser's Game, Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing | Ellis,Charles | 3273 |
Organization Design: | Cichocki, Patricia | 3272 |
Managing Recruitment Training and Development (Book of Activities) | Christopher,Elizabeth M | 3271 |
Cracking the IT Interview | Balasubramaniam, M et.al | 3332 |
Temple and the mosque | Premchand | 3248 |
Notes on the Great Indian Circus | Khushwant Singh | 3239 |
The New Rules of Marketing & PR: | Scott,David Meerman | 3214 |
Shopper Marketing: | Stahlberg, Markus | 3339 |
Sherlock Holmes, the complete novels and stories | Doyle, Arthur Conan | 3338 |
New Arrivals :Books List 1
Title |
Author |
Barcode |
Like The Flowing River | Coelho,Paulo | 3225 |
The Inheritance of Loss | Desai,Kiran | 3235 |
Mein Kampf | Hitler,Adolf | 3257 |
Capital | Marx,Karl | 3250 |
The Rough guide to climate change | Henson ,Robert | 3256 |
The monk and the riddle : | Komisar,Randy | 3198 |
Thinking Fast and Slow | Kahneman, Daniel | 3200 |
One click : | Brandt, Richard L | 3196 |
Niche : why the market no longer favours the mainstream | Harkin, James | 3201 |
Managing the non-profit organization : | Drucker, Peter F | 3254 |
The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course Organizational development | Balzac,Stephen | 3266 |
Managers, can you hear me now? : hard-hitting lessons on how to get real results | Strigl, Denny F | 3267 |
The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course : product development | Belz, Andrea | 3268 |
Research Project | Riley,Pippa | 3204 |
Expand Your Brand: How to Supersize Any Brand Anywhere in the World | Pereyra, Merrill. | 3193 |
7 deadly sins of corporate mismanagement : | Vir Singh, Udai | 3194 |
The story of my life | Keller, Helen, | 3230 |
The story of my life | Keller, Helen, | 3259 |
Motivating People for Improved Performance | Harvard Business School Press | 3197 |
Hiring Smart for Competitive Advantage | Harvard Business School | 3199 |
30 Day MBA in International Business: | Barrow,Colin | 3213 |
Brand Failures | Haig,Matt | 3216 |
Face-To-Face Communications for Clarity and Impact | Harvard Business School Press | 3217 |
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change | Harvard Business Review Press | 3218 |
The coffer dams | Markandaya,Kamala | 3234 |
Coolie | Anand,Mulkraj | 3246 |
Selected short stories | Saki(Munro H H) | 3265 |
War and Peace | Tolstoy,Leo | 3264 |
Memoirs | Pablo,Neruda | 3226 |
Future Files: | Watson, Richard | 3222 |
The Entrepreneur's Strategy Guide: Ten Keys for Achieving Marketplace Leadership and Operational Excellence | Cannon, Tim | 3227 |
The Mobile MBA : 112 Skills to Take You Further, Faster | Owen, Jo | 3219 |
The India Way: How India\'s Top Business Leaders Are Revolutionizing Management | Cappelli, Peter | 3169 |
Family Wisdom | Sharma,Robin | 3168 |
The Greatness Guide2 | Sharma,Robin | 3167 |
Becoming a Manager: How New Managers Master the Challenges of Leadership | Hill,Linda A. | 3166 |
Inside Apple | Lashinsky,Adam | 3165 |
Start It Up | Johnson,Luke | 3156 |
Role plays | Turner,David | 3155 |
The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time on the Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity | Hill,Napoleon et.al | 3153 |
Training for change | Bishop,Sue | 3154 |
Successful Finance for Non-Accountants | Brown,Brian | 3150 |
Organizational behavior. | Robbins, Stephen P | 3335 |
Organizational behavior. | Robbins, Stephen P | 3336 |
Organizational behavior. | Robbins, Stephen P | 3337 |
Tale of two cities | Dickens,Charles | 3255 |
The Boss is NOT Your Friend | Nair,Vijay | 3253 |
Kalam effect | Nair,P M | 3252 |
Cases in management | Srivastva ,Sanjay | 3307 |
Applied case studies in marketing[ with cd] | Shajahan,S | 3328 |
Effective presentation: | Kaul, Asha | 3179 |
Think global go rural | Kanan,KV | 3305 |
Corporate Responsibily | Blowfield ,Michael | 3299 |
Passion & Purpose: Stories from the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders | Coleman,John | 3161 |
Repeatability: Creating Enduring Businesses for a World of Constant Change Author: | Zook,Chris | 3162 |
Rural Marketing | Kashyap, Pradeep | 3334 |
The Little Black Book of Innovation: How It Works, How to Do It | Anthony, Scott D. | 3164 |
Calculating Success: How the New Workplace Analytics Will Revitalize Your Organization | Hoffmann, Carl | 3163 |
Intelligent Stock Market Investing Handbook | Yasaswy,N J | 3157 |
Managing With Power - Politics And Influence In Organizations | Pfeffer,Jeffery | 3158 |
In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives | Levy,Steven | 3159 |
What to Ask the Person in the Mirror Author: | Kaplan,Robert | 3160 |
The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking Is the Next Competitive Advantage | Martin,Roger L. | 3149 |
My Big Idea: 30 Successful Entrepreneurs Reveal How They Found Inspiration | Bridge,Rachel | 3151 |
The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels | Watkins,Michael | 3152 |
Business of Tourism | Choudhary,Vikash | 3144 |
Medical tourism in India | Kumar,R | 3145 |
Textbook of rural marketing | Chawla,Shipra | 3146 |
Inside the Indian Business Mind | Zubko,Katherine C | 3147 |
The Great Workplace: How To Build It, How To Keep It, And Why It Matters | Burchell, Michael | 3148 |
Tathaastu | Sajeev Nair | 3143 |
Teaching And The Case Method: | Barnes,Louis B. | 3331 |
Win the battle of conflicts within | Tiwari,Ram Shanker | 3175 |
Empowering women as I see | Bedi,Kiran | 3174 |
Harvard Business Review on Collaborating effectively | Harvard Business Review | 3170 |
Entrepedia: | Vaidynathan,Nandini | 3172 |
Finding & Keeping the Best People | Harvard Business Review | 3171 |
Start and Run a Business from Home, : How to Turn You Hobby or Interest Into a Business | Power,Paul | 3173 |
Indian microfinance: | Ghate,Prabhu | 3176 |
A Random Walk Down Wall Street: | Malkiel, Burton G. | 3177 |
Environmental Economics | Jhingan,M. L. | 3178 |
19 April 2012
Directory of Open Access Books
DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books
Directory of Open Access Books (
http://www.doabooks.org/) is a service of OAPEN Foundation.
The OAPEN Foundation is an international initiative dedicated to Open
Access monograph publishing, based at the National Library in The
Hague. DOAB is being developed in close cooperation with Lars
Bjørnshauge and Salam Baker Shanawa (director of SemperTool),
who were also responsible for the development of the Directory of
Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
SemperTool develops and maintains DOAB system.
supports the OAI protocol for metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH).
Service providers and libraries can use the protocol to harvest the
metadata of the records from DOAB for inclusion in their collections
and catalogues.
9 April 2012
Online magazines
Business Week: http://www.businessweek.com
India Today, Business Today, Readers Digest, Golf Digest: http://www.india-today.com
Time: http://www.time.com
.NET : UK’s favorite internet Magazine: http://www.netmag.co.uk
Information of the IT world is available here: http://www.itworld.com
Information today: http://www.infotoday.com
Outlook India: http://www.outlookindia.com
Information regarding the business of india : http://www.domain-b.com
India’s first dedicated site to mutual funds: http://www.mutualfundsindia.com
A home page for world’s business leaders: http://www.forbes.com
Byte (Computer Magazine): http://www.byte.com
Info World (Magazine of Worlds IT information): http://www.infoworld.com
The Economist: http://www.economist.com
Business Week: http://www.businessweek.com
PC World Magazine: http://www.pcworld.com
Entrepreneur.com ( Solutions for growing business): http://www.entrepreneur.com
eWeek enterprise news and reviews: http://www.eweek.com
Corporate Trends(The magazine of Ideas,Innovation and Inspiration for Executives): http://www.corporatetrends.com.au
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Thiruvananthapuram : Asian School of Business played host to eminent policy makers, industrialists and business leaders who came toge...
Business Week: http://www.businessweek.com India Today, Business Today, Readers Digest, Golf Digest: http://www.indi...